correo electrónico: [email protected]
La Dra. Kalenchuk, Consultor Principal de Geomecánica, tiene más de 15 años de experiencia en ingeniería geotécnica y geomecánica y ha trabajado con RockEng por más de 7 años. La Dra. Kalenchuk posee una considerable experiencia en minas subterráneas, ingeniería de rocas, sostenimiento del suelo y es experta en modelado numérico de alta gama, con habilidades particulares en el desarrollo de modelos calibrados capaces de reproducir el comportamiento de la roca masivo observado en el campo y con monitoreo por instrumentación. También tiene experiencia en mecánica de deslizamientos (pendientes naturales y de diseño), especialmente taludes de roca a gran escala. La Dra. Kalenchuk está calificada para proporcionar revisiones de debida diligencia y revisión de terceros para estudios de diseño geotécnico y modelado numérico.
Áreas de experiencia:
- Modelación numérica
- Experiencia significante en desarrollando modelos sofisticados calibrados para reproducir el comportamiento real de la roca (medido por instrumentos).
- Modelación numérica en 3D y 2D
- Software de Itasca y RocScience
- Evaluación de diseño y estabilidad de excavaciones subterráneas y taludes en tajos abiertos
- Evaluación de taludes diseñada y natural y diseño de mitigación
- Diseño de soporte de roca, evaluación y revisión
- Caracterización geo mecánica del sitio
Ph.D. en Geomecánica, 2010
Análisis Multi-Dimensional de un grande y complejo sistema de deslizamiento de tierra
Queen’s University.
M.Sc. Ingeniera en Geo mecánica, 2006.
Evaluación geotécnica del potencial para dilución en una mina de hundimiento pos sub-niveles en la Mina Ekati Diamond: Estudio de caso y enfoque generalizado
Universidad de Queen’s
B.Sc. en Ingeniera de Minas con distinción, 2004 (programa cooperativa).
Universidad de Alberta
Capítulos de libros
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson, D.J., Diederichs, M.S. and Moore, D. (2012) Downie Slide, British Columbia, Canada in Landslides: Types, Mechanisms and modeling, Clauge, J. and Stead, D. Eds.
Hoek, E., Hutchinson, D.J., Kalenchuk, K.S. and Diederichs, M. (2009). Influence of in situ stresses on open pit design, Appendix 3 in Guidelines for Open Pit Design, Read, J and Stacey, P.F., Eds. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne: 437 – 445.
Artículos en revistas arbitradas (Publicados)
Kalenchuk, K.S., Diederichs, M.S. and Hutchinson, D.J. (2012). Three-dimensional numerical simulations of the Downie Slide to test the influence of shear surface geometry and heterogeneous shear zone stiffness. Computational Geosciences 16(1): 21-38
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2009). Application of spatial prediction techniques to defining 3-dimensional landslide shear surface geometry. Landslides 6(4): 321-333
Kalenchuk, K.S., McKinnon, S. and Diederichs, M.S. (2008). Block geometry and rockmass characterization for prediction of dilution potential into sub-level cave mine voids, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 45: 929-940
Kalenchuk, K.S.,Diederichs, M.S. and McKinnon, S. (2006). Characterizing Block Geometry in Jointed Rockmasses. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci.43 (8): pp 1212-1225
Artículos en revistas arbitradas (entregado)
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2010). Morphological and geomechanical analysis of the Downie Slide using 3-dimensional numerical models: testing the influence of internal shears and interaction between landslide regions on simulated slope behaviour. Submitted to Landslides in August (manuscript # LASL 241).
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2010). Downie Slide – numerical simulation of groundwater fluctuations influencing behaviour of a massive landslide. Submitted to Landslides in August (manuscript # LASL 243).
Kalenchuk, K.S., Diederichs, M.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Barla, G. (2010). Integration of three sources of slope monitoring data to characterize landslide behaviour, Beauregard Landslide, Northwestern Italy. Submitted to Nat. Haz. in Septemer (manuscript # NHAZ1308).
Kalenchuk, K.S., Diederichs, M.S. and Hutchinson, D.J. (2010). A geomechanical analysis of the Beauregard Landslide using three-dimensional numerical models. Submitted to Rock Mech. and Rock Eng. in August (manuscript # RMRE-D-10-00105).
Kalenchuk, K.S., Diederichs, M.S. and Hutchinson, D.J. (2009). Downie Slide – sensitivity of water table interpretations to temporal changes in data distribution. Submitted to Quarterly J. of Eng. Geol. and Hydrogeol. in October (manuscript # 09-058).
Publicaciones de conferencias referenciadas
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2010). Development and calibration of numerical models for investigating trigger scenarios and mitigation techniques for massive landslide hazard management. Proc. of Geo2010 – Can. Geotech. Conf. Calgary, AB: 8 pp.
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson D.J., Diederichs M.S., Barla G., Barla M. and Piovano G. (2010). Numerical modelling of the Beauregard landslide, a comparison of two approaches to mixed continuum-discontinuum numerical simulations. Proc. of Eurock 2010: Lausanne, Switzerland: 639-642.
Kalenchuk, K.S, Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2009). Downie Slide – interpretations of complex slope mechanics in a massive, slow moving, translational landslide. Proc. of GeoHalifax2009 – Can Geotech Conf. Halifax, NS: 367-374.
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2009). Influence of shear surface geometry on deformation processes in massive landslides. 3rdCan-US Rock Mech. Symp. and 20th Can. Rock Mech. Symp. Toronto, ON: 10 pp.
Kalenchuk, K.S, Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2007). Interpolation of landslide shear surface geometry in three-dimensions. Proc. of OttawaGeo2007 – Can. Geotech. Conf. Ottawa, ON: 367-374.
Hutchinson, D.J., Diederichs, M.S., Kalenchuk, K. and Lato, M. (2007). Invited Paper: Forensic assessment of slopes to support rock stability analysis and infrastructure hazard management. Intl. Forum on Landslide Disaster Management, Hong Kong, China, December: 18 pages.
Kalenchuk, K.S, McKinnon, S. and Diederichs M.S. (2007). Dilution source prediction and characterization for blocky rockmasses in steep walls or cave boundaries for bulk mining. The S. African Inst. of Min.& Metall. 1st Int. Symp. on Block and Sub-Level Caving. Cape Town, South Africa: 12 pgs.
Publicaciones de conferencias no-referenciadas
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2010). Analysis of Beauregard Landslide deformation patterns using integrated data from multiple slope monitoring sources. Can. Young Geotech. Eng. Geol. Conf. Waterton, AB. Ext. Abst.
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2009). Response of Downie Landslide hydrogeology to reservoir operations and seasonal precipitation. Advances in Earth Sci. Res. Conf. Kingston, ON. Ext. Abst.
Kalenchuk, K.S, Diederichs, M.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Harrap R. (2008). Application of sensor data to slope stability assessment. GEOIDE 10th Annual Sci. Conf. Niagra Falls, ON. Poster Presentation. Awarded GEOIDE Best Student Poster Award of $1000.
Kalenchuk, K.S., Hutchinson, D.J. and Diederichs, M.S. (2008). Using GIS to manage and analyse spatial and temporal data in the study of massive landslide behaviour. GEOIDE SKI, Fernie, BC. Ext. Abst.
Kalenchuk, K.S., Diederichs, M.S. and Hutchinson, D.J. (2007). Multi-dimensional analysis of massive, complex Landslides. Can. Young Geotech. Eng. Geol. Conf. Gananoque, ON. Ext. Abst.
Kalenchuk, K.S.*, Diederichs, M.S. and McKinnon, S. (2007). Geomechanical assessment of dilution potential for sublevel caving at Ekati Diamond Mine: generalized approach and Ccase study. CIM Annual Conf. and Exhibition. Montreal, QC. Poster Presentation.
Hutchinson, D.J., Diederichs, M., Harrap, R., Carranza-Torres, C. and Kalenchuk, K.S (2007). Integrated geomechanics/geomatics approach to understanding the movement of a large, complex slowly moving landslide. Geophys. Res. Abstr. Vol. 9, 05871, European Geosciences Union.
Lato, M., Hutchinson, D.J., Diederichs, M.S and Kalenchuk, K.S. (2007). Evaluating block shape and block volume distributions of rock faces using LiDAR and 3DEC. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, Geophys. Res. Abstr. 9, 01171.
Kalenchuk, K.S., Diederichs, M.S. and McKinnon, S. (2006). Block shape characterization for jointed rockmasses. Advances in Earth Sci. Res. Conf. Kingston, ON. Awarded Best Presentation in Geotechnical Field.