Ground Control

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Operational ground control plays a significant role in keeping mines safer and more productive.

Ground ControlOperational Ground Control – The main purpose of operational ground control in a mining context is to ensure that all excavations made through rock and soil are kept safe and stable at all times (this practice can also sometimes be referred to by miners as slope management or strata control).

As underground mining operations go deeper and deeper and often take place in inaccessible locations, ground control becomes increasingly important and plays a significant role in keeping mines safer and more productive. Ground control is also applied extensively in civil engineering; for example, to minimize risks during tunnel construction and for securing slopes and embankments adjacent to bridge or road building projects.

In essence, operational ground control is the day-to-day application of rock mechanics to mining and civil engineering projects and ongoing operations, and it plays a vital role in the establishment and maintenance of a safe and stable working environment for mine or civil engineering project personnel.

A geotechnical engineer who is responsible for operational ground control in an underground mine must understand all aspects of mining operations, including:

  • Production requirements
  • Mining methods
  • Drilling, blasting and other excavation methods
  • Material-handling systems
  • Ore control

This engineer must also fully understand and be knowledgeable about the geology of the mine and ground conditions and also be aware of future expansion plans and requirements.

At RockEng, members of our team possess the training, knowledge, experience and expertise to add tremendous value to any operational ground control planning or execution exercise, in a consulting, advisory or training role. Please contact us today for more information.


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