RockEng would like to acknowledge the recent publications by our employees at ARMA 2018 meeting in Seattle:
- “Crown pillar extraction at Pino Altos Mine – geomechanical aspects of risk evaluation, design and implementation”. Presented by Dr. Kathy Kalenchuk, Authored by: Kalenchuk, K.S., Falmagne, V., Gelover, A., Montiel, I., and Luzania, J.
- “Backfill Barricade Design: Practical Experiences and Recommendations”. Presented by Dr. Jeff Oke, Authored by: Oke, J., Thompson, B.D., Bawden, W.F., Lausch, P., and Grabinski, M.W.
- “Effect of hydrothermal alteration on material properties in a Carlin-style gold deposit and developing a method to delineate material domains for numerical model geometry-building”. Presented by Ms. Anna Perry Authored by: Perry, A.P., McKinnon, S.D., and Kalenchuk, K.S.
- “Numerical Assessment of Roof Buckling in Mining due to High Horizontal Stress at Shallow Depths”. Presented by Dr. Kalenchuk, Authored by: Hume, C.D., Ghazvinian, E., Kalenchuk, K.S., and Bawden, W.F.
RockEng would also like to congratulate Dr. Oke for being selected as an ARMA Future Leader.
RockEng would like to congratulate Mr. LeRiche for receiving the 2018 ARMA Master’s thesis in Rock Mechanics. Mr. LeRiche was co-supervised by Dr. Kalenchuk of RockEng and Dr. Deiderichs of Queen’s University. A summary of his work was presented at ARMA titled: Estimation of in situ stress from borehole breakout at KGHM’s Victoria Project, Canada.