Home > Announcements > Ehsan Ghazvinian joins RockEng Aug. 31th 2015

ehsanDr. E. Ghazvinian is specialized in geomechanics of brittle rocks. He offers expertise in high-end discontinuum modelling of underground excavations prone to brittle fracturing and spalling. Dr. Ghazvinian has a strong scientific background in mechanics of Excavation Damage Zone (EDZ) within the context of deep geological repositories for the storage of nuclear waste through completion of his MSc and PhD degrees at Queen’s University, sponsored by the Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Canada. His robust experience in state of the art laboratory testing in different prestigious laboratories globally has led him to one of primary members of the working group on the ISRM Suggested Method for laboratory determination of Crack Initiation and Critical Damage thresholds for brittle rocks.

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