Numerical Modelling

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Numerical modelling makes your excavation work safer.

Numerical Modeling

Numerical modelling has become one of the most widely used design tools in geomechanics and rock engineering.  RockEng has extensive experience in advanced geomechanical modelling with numerous software packages – this allows our team to ensure that the right tools are applied to any numerical modelling project.  We believe in the practical and pragmatic application of numerical modelling to rock engineering problems and projects.  Rock mass behavior is controlled by the mechanical characteristics of intact rock and fracture networks. In numerical modeling, rock mass behavior can be simulated with varying levels of detail and complexity, ranging from simpler linear-elastic to more complex plastic models, with the option for defining post-peak material parameters. Our modelling experts work with models across this spectrum of complexity, ensuring that numerical inputs are justified by the available data and simulations tools are appropriate for the anticipated ground reaction mechanisms.

Further, at RockEng, we strongly believe the state-of-practice in geomechanics modeling must include numerical calibration where ground reaction data is available. We have extensive experience in model calibration and utilize rigorous and comprehensive calibration techniques suitable for different types of ground reaction data, ranging from qualitative visual observations to quantitative instrumentation and micro-seismic data.

Numerical Modelling

To find out more about how our modelling experts can add value to your project – or to inquire about our services in numerical modelling courses and training, please contact us.